3 Ways to Encourage Recovery After a Stroke

Health & Medical Blog

Individuals who survive a stroke often find themselves facing cognitive, physical, and emotional ailments. Recovery after a stroke may seem like a daunting process, especially if the patient has a host of issues to address. Here are a few ways to encourage recovery after a stroke.  1. Follow the Advice of Your Neurologist After a stroke, the patient is evaluated to create a careful plan of action. This action plan is designed to address the problems that the patient is facing while helping them regain the ability to complete the activities of daily independent living.

23 July 2021

Benefits You Derive From At-Home Addiction Recovery Programs

Health & Medical Blog

When you've been addicted to drugs or alcohol, it becomes very hard for you to come to grips about leaving that dark and dangerous pathway to seek help. You may be embarrassed and even depressed about your condition. You may not want to enter an inpatient program to begin an addiction withdrawal program or start your road of withdrawal recovery by joining an outpatient treatment program. Instead, you can enroll in an at-home addiction recovery program.

22 June 2021

4 Main Reasons Why You Should Consider Hospital At Home Over Traditional Hospital Care

Health & Medical Blog

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to receive treatment in the comfort of your home? With hospital at home programs, you can receive hospital-level care without hospital admission. This type of program is of significant help to the elderly, disabled, and critically ill patients. Since most people, especially the aged, have an emotional attachment with their home, hospital care at home has proved to be a more attractive deal compared to traditional hospital care.

21 May 2021

How Sports Physical Therapy Can Help You

Health & Medical Blog

As an athlete, your body is of course always at the top of your mind. You want to stay in the best shape you can to perform well in the field of play. But keeping your body well-tuned can also help prevent injury. If you do suffer an injury while playing, you of course will want to get back out there as soon as possible. To that end, sports physical therapy can help you both with your initial recovery and then with further strengthening your body to keep future problems at bay.

23 March 2021

Urgent Care Interventions For Bacterial Infection-Related Pulmonary Congestion

Health & Medical Blog

If you have a bacterial infection that causes pulmonary congestion, or congestion in your lungs, then you may have difficulty breathing and shortness of breath. Your breathing problems may also trigger anxiety and panic attacks when you are unable to take satisfying breaths. If you experience pulmonary congestion as a result of a bacterial infection, visit a hospital or urgent care center as soon as possible. Here are some interventions the urgent care center staff may implement to help relieve your symptoms.

16 February 2021

Preparing For Your Upcoming Tummy Tuck

Health & Medical Blog

A tummy tuck can remove excess fat and skin from your midsection, transforming your appearance. As such, you are probably looking forward to waking up from surgery, powering through your recovery, and enjoying your brand new look. But before you even make it to the surgical center, you'll need to spend some time preparing for your tummy tuck. Here's what that typically entails. Bloodwork Your doctor has probably already given you the go-ahead for tummy tuck surgery, but they'll generally still want you to have some blood work done before the procedure just to make sure there's nothing to worry about.

22 January 2021

How Flu Shots Protect Families From Classroom-Borne Viruses

Health & Medical Blog

Every year, various types of flu viruses spread throughout the nation and infect many children and families. Many of these infestations start in the classroom and become widespread through a community very quickly. As a result, it is important for parents to consider flu shots not just for their children but for themselves as well, to ensure that they are protected. Schools are a Perfect Breeding Ground for the Flu

7 January 2021