Diagnosing And Fixing Hearing Loss

Health & Medical Blog

You may find yourself, on occasion, turning the volume up on the TV or radio and asking people to speak up. If you notice a marked loss in hearing, you're not alone. Maybe people lose a portion of their hearing as they age. Or maybe you're not necessarily that old, but you've been around loud noises like race cars or concerts your entire life. Whatever the reason for your hearing loss, you might want to consider getting hearing aids. But how do you know what's right for you? 

Do You Need Hearing Aids?

First, you need to determine if hearing aids are absolutely necessary. Many people can get by without hearing aids by avoiding loud places or adjusting volumes. But if you notice that you can't hear well on the telephone, in groups, or when the speaker is turned away, it might be time for a device to help you. 

Schedule a hearing test with an audiologist. They will perform a variety of tests to determine if you have hearing loss or normal hearing. They'll first visually check the ear for obstructions or a possible tumor. Then they'll test your ability to hear different volumes of various frequencies. You'll sit in a very quiet room with earphones on while they perform the test through a sound booth. This assesses the outer and middle ear.

Next, the audiologist will test your inner ear with a bone conduction test. They'll play noises outside and behind your ear. Lastly, they'll ask you to repeat one and two-syllable words. After your test, your doctor may recommend wearing hearing aids in one or both ears for improved hearing. 

Types of Hearing Aids

Once you have a prescription for hearing aids, how do you know which ones to choose? Most hearing aids contain similar parts, such as a microphone, a sound amplifier, a receiver (which sends the amplified sound into the ear canal) and a battery. When you think of a traditional hearing aid, you're thinking of a Behind-the-Ear (BTE) hearing aid. Newer, smaller versions called BTEs reduce that plugged up feeling in the ear, which feels similar to having earphones in. If you want even smaller hearing aids, you can opt for an In-the-Ear (ITE) aid. The smallest and most undetectable options are In-the-Canal and Completely-in-Canal aids, though they may be hard for young children and older people to handle. 

No matter which type of hearing aid you choose, you can expect an improved quality of life wherein you hear and communicate better. For more information on the different types of hearing aids available to you, check out a company like Hear Ear Hearing Aids.


9 October 2015

Finding the Right Healthcare: Putting Families First

A few years ago, I experienced a huge health scare with my blood pressure. My doctor at the time didn't offer evening or late night care, which forced me to visit the local emergency room for help. Although it may seem like a small thing to some people, not having access to my doctor when I needed it really bothered me. It bothered me so much that I searched for a new doctor after my child was born. Now, I'm happy with my family's new physician. The doctor offers after-hour care, which is a wonderful thing for us. My blog offers tips on how to find the right doctor for your family, as well as many other services you might need one day. So, please read through the blog for the information you need now.