What Every Woman Should Ask before Joining a Hot Flash Research Study

Health & Medical Blog

There are hundreds of hot flashes and related hot flash research studies across the world. These studies work to find out what causes hot flashes, why they may occur in some women and not others, and why women who are not experiencing menopause are having hot flashes. If you are experiencing menopause related hot flashes or related issues, and you have a chance to be part of a research study, there are a few questions you need to ask before signing up.

Doctor Approval

If you are experiencing hot flashes, you are likely on some form of medication or treatment by your doctor. Before starting a hot flash research study, you need to check with your doctor for approval. This needs to be done with any study, but in the case of this particular type of study you could end up having side effects that effect your hormones. If your hormones are not balanced properly you could have issues ranging from depression to physical pain. This is why it is vital to have a doctor's approval before signing up.

Focus of the Study

You need to know what the focus of the study is. Simply knowing that it is related to menopause and related symptoms may not be enough. If you are having specific issues, and the study doesn't cover that, then it won't help you and possibly won't help them. You need to make sure the study will research your specific issues and help you to find a solution to them where other solutions may have failed.

You also need to make sure that the focus of the study doesn't override current treatments you are on. This is especially true if you are having hot flashes, but you aren't experiencing menopause. If you take the wrong drug or if the focus is on something unrelated to your issue, you could end up triggering other more severe issues with your feminine health and well-being.

Drug Interactions

Drugs are not always used in research studies. Some studies do use organic or natural research methods. One of the key things you need to ask is if drugs will be used as part of the research study. If they will you need to find out if those drugs will interact any type of medication you may be on currently. This goes for prescription drugs as well as over the counter medications as well. If you aren't sure if the drugs will interact with your current medication, you need to ask a pharmacist or your doctor.

If you begin to ask questions that pertain to your health and the interviewer does not want to answer them or continues to repeat standard disclaimers, then look for another hot flash research study. You ideally want a study that is safe and that your doctor may be aware of.


17 April 2015

Finding the Right Healthcare: Putting Families First

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